Provisional Board to Validate Ballots in Municipal Election

The Provisional Board will meet this morning at 10:00 a.m. in the Starke County Clerk’s office to determine if provisional ballots in the North Judson Municipal election will be allowed. Four votes were deemed provisional in the election, which is the number of votes that separates the outcome of the Clerk-Treasurer’s race between Republican Donna Henry and Incumbent Democrat Connie Miller. Henry won the election by a vote of 221 to 217.

Starke County Clerk, Evelyn Skronski, was asked how a provisional ballot is determined.

“Mostly, it’s because they didn’t have the proper ID,” said Skronski. “When the State looks at addresses and determines the split lines, like a country address, are not correct. These only show up during election time otherwise, we really don’t know. There’s nothing I can go by to determine these splits. You have the instance where one side of the street is in and the other side is out.”

Representing the Republicans on the Provisional Board is Deb Shannon. The Democrats are represented by Karen Nolcheff.