Marshall County Commissioners to Meet Today


The Marshall County Commissioners will receive an update from Umbaugh and Associates on the process of refinancing the 2006 jail bonds.

The commissioners and council members approved a decision to begin paperwork to reduce the payments on the bonds each year. The county also wants to have flexbility to keep the funds in reserve to either pay off the bonds sooner or apply those funds for additional capacity at the jail or operational costs due to sentencing changes and the potential impact.

The bond for the jail project was roughly $15 million in 2006 and $11 million is still outstanding. The county is hoping to lower their payment of $1.2 million per year until 2026.

The commissioners will also approve polling sites for the General Election and receive a quarterly update from EMA Director Clyde Avery.

The meeting will begin at 9:30 a.m. ET in the second floor meeting room in the Marshall County Building.