Prevent Against Hypothermia and Frostbite


With wind chills dipping well below zero for the next couple of days, protect yourself against the effects of hypothermia.

Your body temperature drops after prolonged exposure to the cold which causes abnormal activity of the heart, nervous system and other organs, according to information released by the Mayo Clinic. Symptoms of mild hypothermia include: shivering, dizziness, hunger, nausea, trouble speaking, slight confusion, fatigue, and increased heart rate

An older person may develop mild hypothermia after prolonged exposure to cooler indoor temperatures that may be tolerable by younger people. Signs and symptoms in these cases may not be as obvious.

Frostbite can occur when exposed skin is in contact with frigid temperatures accompanied by wind, however frostbite can happen on skin covered by gloves or other clothing. Mild frostbite can be treated with first-aid but any other frostbite must be treated by medical personnel. Possible complications of severe frostbite includes infection and nerve damage.