Stars, Filmmakers of Movie Filmed in Culver to Participate in Faith and Film Event

Cast of "Little Savages"
Cast of “Little Savages”
The filmmakers and stars of the movie “Little Savages” that is wrapping up filming in the Culver area will be partnering with local clergy to hold a panel discussion focused on the topic of “Faith, Film and Contemporary Life.” The panel will be held today beginning at 11 a.m. ET at the west pavilion in Culver’s town park.

Stars of the film include several well-known Disney stars, including Kenton Duty and Katherine McNamara. The film, which is being produced by Bearfuit Films, cents around the charming lake town of Culver where a boy genius and his sister race against bullies to find a treasure hidden by an eccentric philanthropist.

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Casting Call for “Little Savages” Turns Out Quite the Crowd

The casting call for the soon-to-be-filmed movie “Little Savages” turned out an overwhelming amount of aspiring actors to the town of Culver. James Simmons, producer for the film, said people came out from Indianapolis, Chicago, Detroit and all over the local area. On top of the local turnout, Simmons said they’ve already signed a number of actors of Disney fame to the film as well.

Simmons said they hadn’t been expected such an amazing turnout.

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Movie Crew to Start Filming in Culver in August

Bearfruit Films is planning to shoot a movie in Culver on Aug. 5.

Fifty to 60 cast and crew members will in town beginning Aug. 3 to begin shooting the film “Little Savages”.

The movie plot involves children by the name of Savage who befriend two outsiders. They go on a mission to find hidden treasure somewhere in the town of Culver. Their quest is interrupted by bullies who are looking for the same treasure. Who will be the winner in this adventure?

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