Pulaski County Commissioners Consider Start of Courthouse Renovations

Pulaski County CourthouseConsiderations have been made for some time, but weeks of side comments during meetings has led a first step to be taken when it comes to renovating the Pulaski County Courthouse.

During Monday evening’s Pulaski County Commissioners meeting, it was learned that an engineering firm will appear in Winamac to get an overview for the courthouse renovations. Plans are still in their preliminary stages.
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Pulaski County Council Decides Against Wheel Tax in Split Vote

Pulaski County CourthouseA tax designed to maintain and improve local roads has failed a vote in Pulaski County.

During last night’s Pulaski County Council meeting, board members considered the implementation of a wheel tax. The tax was encouraged as an option by the state in the face of stagnating support for area roadways.

Council member Alex Haschel says the tax would not be overwhelming.
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Culver Council Approves Bond Ordinance for Water Treatment Facility

culver town hall

The Culver Town Council has taken another step toward upgrading its water treatment facility.

During a special meeting on Tuesday night, an ordinance that allows a bond issuance to take place was considered. Culver is in the process of undertaking a $1.6-million upgrade to its water treatment facility. Fees and other expenses put the project in the $2.2-million range.
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Eastern Pulaski School Board Tables Renovation Contracts


Some additional time to think is what the Eastern Pulaski School Board needs when it comes to the cost of school renovations.

A multi-million dollar renovation is being undertaken of the Eastern Pulaski School Corporation’s elementary school and middle/high school. Project designs were finalized some time ago, but making an official hire for the project has hit a bit of a snag.
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Pulaski County Roads Hit Hard By Spring Thaw


Changes in the weather over the last few weeks have hit area roads particularly hard.

Pulaski County instituted a travel advisory last week due to the depth of the frost line, otherwise known as the depth to which the ground is frozen. According to Pulaski County Highway Superintendent Larry Brady, the travel advisory was put into effect due to the weather’s influence on the roadways.
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Eastern Pulaski Schools Contract Construction Specialist


The process for renovations at Eastern Pulaski Schools took another step during Monday night’s School Board meeting.

Board members discussed, and approved, letting bids on the $14-million project. Bids are expected back sometime in March after an extensive design process. Eastern Pulaski Schools Superintendent Dan Foster says they don’t quite know how many firms will see the project.
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