Plymouth Airport Board Moving Forward to Obtain Weather Station


The Plymouth Aviation Board will be moving forward in obtaining a weather station.

Dave Lattimer told the Marshall County Council on Monday morning that it’s highly probable that the green light will be given for a weather station after several other improvements are made.

Lattimer explained that the runways need to be extended and widened and two taxiways from the ramp to the runways need to intersect at a “T” instead of at a 45 degree angle. The staff will also need to extend the taxiways. Insurance will also need to be adjusted. All of those improvements need to be done before the FAA will approve the Plymouth Airport for a weather station.

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Plymouth Airport Manager Pursuing Automated Weather Observation System

The city of Plymouth may be helping the Plymouth Aviation Board in obtaining an Automated Weather Observation System.

That information was presented to the Marshall County Commissioners Monday morning by Plymouth Aviation Board representative Dave Lattimer, who is also the airport manager. He explained that Plymouth needs to have its own system as the weather is its own animal in Marshall County and the installation of the system would be beneficial to pilots in the area.

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