Pulaski County Commissioners Approve Transfer of Vehicle to EMA Director

EMA Director Larry Hoover discusses the transfer of a pickup to his department
EMA Director Larry Hoover discusses the transfer of a pickup to his department with the commissioners

The Pulaski County EMA Director will have a new vehicle.

Larry Hoover requested the title transfer of a pickup that the sheriff’s department no longer uses. Sheriff Michael Gayer had approved the use of the three-quarter ton pickup for use by the EMA Director and notified the commissioners of his decision.

Hoover explained that he does have money his budget for fuel and for travel. Because this vehicle will be used by Hoover for county business, he will no longer need to submit claims for fuel reimbursement for his personal vehicle. He will be able to fuel the vehicle using the county system and pay for his portion from his budget.

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Pulaski County Commissioners Offer Comment on Military Vehicle Use

Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Terry Young and Tracey Shorter
Pulaski County Commissioners Larry Brady, Terry Young and Tracey Shorter

The Pulaski County Commissioners were asked by a citizen to address their thoughts on the use and ownership of military vehicles in the county. That update was given at the commissioner’s meeting Monday night.

EMA Director Larry Hoover was present and stated that there were no dollars spent to get these vehicles. The only money spent was for manpower and fuel to get the vehicles and bring them to Pulaski County. As Sheriff Michael Gayer explained to the Pulaski County Council members last week, fuel was spent out of his budget and no additional tax money was used in the acquisition of the military vehicles.

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Pulaski County Council Approves Fire Dept. Radio Purchases

Five firefighters in Pulaski County are currently without radios due to an increase in department staffing, and EMA Director Larry Hoover approached the county council this week with a request to purchase six additional 800MHz radios to allow them to get to work protecting the county. Hoover told the council that three fire departments have increased in size enough that they no longer have enough radios to supply every firefighter with one and requested them to approve his purchase to allow them to safely begin fighting those fires.

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Pulaski County Commissioners Sign Grant Application for Narrow-Band EMA Radios

Pulaski County Commissioners Tracey Shorter, Kenneth Boswell, Michael Tiede

Pulaski County EMA Director Larry Hoover was given confirmation by the county commissioners to go ahead with the application process for their narrow-band radio grant.

According to Hoover, the EMA has been on this grant for over a month and they’re still in the application stage. Signatures are required by the commissioners in order to ensure the grant, which involves a 50/50 match by the county, will be paid for.

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