Lieutenant Governor Visits Culver’s Sand Hill Farms Housing Development

Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch and Sand Hill Farms Developer Kevin Berger

Lieutenant Governor Suzanne Crouch got an update on the progress of Culver’s Sand Hill Farms workforce housing development Thursday. Developer Kevin Berger gave the lieutenant governor and several town officials a tour of the construction site. “We have a lot of part-time residents here, and it has just kind of pushed out the workforce,” Berger told Crouch. “Our biggest employer for workers is Elkay cabinet manufacturing, and less than 50 percent of their 300-plus workers even live in Marshall County.”

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Culver Officials Break Ground on Housing Project

Culver town officials, county representatives, Housing Developer Kevin Berger, and other dignitaries helped break ground on the Sand Hill Farm workforce housing development in Culver Wednesday afternoon.

The housing development includes 24 apartments that will feature affordable one, two and three bedroom units at 540 W. Jefferson Street with hopes of the project complete in 2018. Elkay, one of Culver’s largest employers, will provide the cabinetry for the units in an extensive project partnership. Continue reading

Culver Town Council to Compile New Comprehensive Plan

Culver Town Council Members Ed Pinder, Ralph Winters, Ginny Bess, Sally Ricciardi
Culver Town Council Members (from left to right) Ed Pinder, Ralph Winters, Ginny Bess, Sally Ricciardi

A new comprehensive plan for the town of Culver may be in the works to replace their current, 12-year-old plan. According to Kevin Berger, President of Easterday Construction Co., the town is eligible for an OCRA Planning Grant, which can provide the town with up to $50,000 for compiling this comprehensive plan. The grant allows a portion of the funds to go toward grant administration, which allows the town to hire an outside firm to work on it.

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