Medaryville Residents Lose Family Pets in House Fire


Firefighters with the Medaryville Fire Department responded to a house fire Monday night.

 Chief Shaun Hauptli told WKVI that neighbors called 911 when they noticed smoke coming from the home owned by Stacy and Amanda White at 12070 W. 100 N. Upon arrival, firefighters found heavy smoke but no visible fire coming from the southeast part of the single-story home.

 Firefighters were able to quickly ventilate the roof and extinguish the fire. The fire was contained to a bedroom. Hauptli said all members of the department who responded acted quickly to try and save the residence. Continue reading

Seven Fire Departments Battle House Fire in Medaryville

The Medaryville Fire Department was called to a garage fire early Sunday morning at 6551 N. 1150 W. in Medaryville. Medaryville Fire Chief, Shaun Hauptli, said that when the firefighters arrived on scene, a massive garage was on fire and it was getting close to the back of the house.

The fire was so large Hauptli said he called for manpower and water assistance from the San Pierre and North Judson-Wayne Township Fire Departments. Water assistance was also requested from Bass Lake, Winamac, Francesville and LaCrosse Fire Departments.

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