The City of Knox is Cracking Down on Vehicles Zooming through School Zones

Knox City officials have noticed an excessive amount of drivers ignoring the speed limits posted around the schools and they’re preparing to crack down on the problem.


In his report during Tuesday’s city council meeting, Mayor Dennis Estok addressed the issue. He explained that students aren’t the only offenders. Apparently, some bus drivers, parents and other adult motorists are also guilty of traveling too fast in the area. Continue reading

Department of Revenue Warns Parents to Guard their Children’s Personal Information

As odd as it may sound, the Indiana Department of Revenue is asking individuals to check their children’s credit reports, regardless of their age.

Identity thieves are always looking for identities that can be used for many years which is why children are typically seen as apt targets since thieves can to use their information unnoticed for a while.

Often times the theft is not discovered until the child grows up and applies for a student loan or a credit card and gets denied for having large amounts of debt or bad credit; it is only then that they realize their identity has been stolen and used for several years. Continue reading

Knox Elementary Programs Scheduled this Week

Pam Pavey and granddaughter Kaiya Wagoner after the 4th grade program Tuesday night. Kaiya is a 4th grade student in Mrs. Davis' class.

Hundreds of proud parents and grandparents are attending the school Christmas programs in our area. In Knox, elementary students from the grades have their special night to perform before an appreciative audience. The elementary music directors are Gary Kuechenberg and Lisa Guzman. Providing art work for the programs are students under the direction of Art Director, Derek Eveland.

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