Stop by the Starke County Career Success Coalition Booth

sccscThere’s always so much to do at the 4-H fair. You can try all kinds of different food, ride the rides and look at all the various fair projects but did you know that you also have access to all sorts of information about further education? The Starke County Career Success Coalition has their very own booth set up in the commercial building during fair week. Continue reading

Volunteers Needed for the Starke County Career Success Coalition 4-H Fair Booth


The 4-H fair is scheduled to start soon and the Starke County Career Success Coalition is looking for volunteers willing to help run their booth in the commercial building from 7:30 to 10 pm during fair week, July 13th through the 17th. The objective of the coalition is to provide easier access to higher education to local adults and recent graduates. One specific goal the coalition hopes to reach is that 25% of local students finish college by 2025. Continue reading

Local Representatives Attend State Tri Kappa Convention

Rhonda Cavinder and Shirley Fosler

Rhonda Cavinder and Shirley Fosler of the local Zeta Eta chapter of Tri Kappa recently attended the 59th State Convention of Tri Kappa, held in Indianapolis. As delegates, they attended business sessions and educational workshops, and sold the local chapter’s Tri Kappa ribbon, vinyl clings, and handmade cards. The Fine Arts winners from Province Conventions were on display, and Joan Byer of the Knox Zeta Eta Chapter received a second place on her entry in the Green Craft category, a quilt made from neckties. Continue reading