Gov. Pence Signs Bill to Prevent Prescription Drug Abuse

Indiana Governor Mike Pence
Indiana Governor Mike Pence
The issue of over-prescription and abuse of controlled substances is being addressed by state senators and was signed into law this month by Governor Mike Pence. A bill introduced by State Senator Ron Grooms to crack down on the issue provides the Indiana Medical Licensing Board with the authority to regulate who can own and operate pain clinics prescribing controlled substances like hydrocodone and oxycodone.

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Legislation on Immunizations, Veteran Businesses Moves to House

Two pieces of legislation are heading to the House of Representatives for further consideration, including one bill that seeks to make immunizations more readily available.

Sponsored by State Sen. Ron Grooms, House Bill 1464 would allow pharmacists to administer more types of immunizations than currently allowed under state law. Grooms said the bill would make the immunizations more easily accessible and would make hours for pharmacies more convenient, offering a savings to patients because of the increased availability and supply.

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