Winamac Park Manager Discusses Location of Teeter-Totter Replacement

Entrance to the Winamac Town Park

During a Winamac Park Board meeting in June, Park Manager Dave DeLorenzo informed board members about a tree that fell during a storm which a broke nearby teeter-totter in the process.

When members met this month, DeLorenzo suggested another placement possibility rather than putting a new piece of equipment back in the same area. Continue reading

Pulaski Tree Removal May Turn into Tree Renewal Under Proposed Plan

Pulaski County CourthousePulaski County may have an opportunity to remedy a potential safety hazard while at the same time commemorating Indiana’s Bicentennial.

Winamac Tree Commission member Fred Zahrt approached the Pulaski County Commissioners on Monday night to discuss a tree on the courthouse lawn that appears to be dying. Limbs have been falling from the tree and became a concern last fall.
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