Eastern Pulaski School Board Reorganizes, Highlights Middle School Counseling


The Eastern Pulaski School Board chose its 2017 officers Monday.

The election results for the school corporation stayed the same as they were last year, Joe Cunningham will be returning as president, Deke DeMarco will be returning as vice president, and Terri Johntson will be returning as secretary.

One corporation highlight mentioned was the spotlight on the middle school’s counseling system, which has been going above and beyond for the students.

Superintendent Dan Foster had this to say about the counseling system, “(We’re) educating them on simple things, more than just college and career readiness: on being a good person, what an employer may look for in an employee, having good attendance, and on being reliable. We’re doing things a little bit different, a little bit more for our students.”

With the success of the counseling system, the schools have also begun their mid-year assessments by calling home to parents and offering positive feedback about their children’s learning progress.

The school board also announced a new performance pay and an offered stipend for employees of the corporation.