Pulaski County Officials Schedule Meeting with Potential Industrial Park Tenants

Pulaski County officials have begun meeting with potential west side industrial park tenants. The county commissioners and a couple county council members were scheduled to meet in executive session with an interested business Tuesday.

Community Development Commission Executive Director Nathan Origer discussed the process with the commissioners Monday. “The gentleman who will be speaking with us, of the three potential projects we’ve had come around, is probably, at least in the short-term, the least sexy, the least of a big deal, but at this time, probably the most likely that would be able to move forward,” Origer said. “The other gentleman over on the west side does not want to get in the mess, but if he sees we are moving forward, he would be very interested in it. So we’re going to start with this guy, and we’ll see where it goes.”

For the past few years, Pulaski County has considered buying land between Medaryville and Fracesville, so the county can have a rail-served industrial park.