Winamac Park Board Seeks Public Input on Veterans Memorial Park Upgrades

Winamac artist Greg Hildebrandt drew this rendering of the proposed bench and sign placement for the park board.

The Winamac Park Board is looking for the public’s input on proposed upgrades to Veterans Memorial Park. Board members have been considering the addition of a decorative archway, and the VFW and American Legion have each offered to donate a bench. On top of that, the American Legion has offered to place its cannon in the park, should it decide to sell its current building.

Park board members want to make updates, but don’t want to clutter the park. To find the right balance, they’ve created a questionnaire, asking residents if the town should make all the proposed upgrades, just add the cannon, just add the benches, or leave the park as it is.

As of last Thursday’s park board meeting, secretary Kim Burke said the response has been mixed. “I think it’s going to end up being between Option One, which is everything, and Option Four, which is leave it the same,” she said. “I’ve got like eight people for One, 10 people for Four, and just two or three people each for Option Two and Three.”

The park board will continue accepting questionnaires through this Friday. Meanwhile, Park Board President Courtney Poor continues gathering information on the potential cost of the improvements. Board members may also ask ProscapeS Unlimited for advice. They plan to make a decision during their June 19 budget meeting.