Knox Board of Works Approves Services for Stormwater Separation Project

The Knox Board of Public Works discussed a proposal for services to conduct a stormwater separation project in the alley between Washington Street and Lake Street, west of Main Street.

The project will include installing a new storm line in the alley and abandoning the existing storm sewer connections into the current sanitary sewer. The lines would be rerouted into the new storm sewer.

Wastewater Department Superintendent Kelly Clemons said a lot of rain water drains into the current wastewater system so they’re unnecessarily treating water. There is a concern of the number of utilities in that area so contractors will need to proceed with caution with this project.

The board of works members reviewed the proposal for services from Territorial Engineering at a cost of $12,000. The company will prepare plans for the project and prepare a bid summary for contractors, among other engineering aspects. The proposal was unanimously approved so the project can proceed.