Eastern Pulaski School Board to Finalize Plans for Paving Project

The Eastern Pulaski School Board is expected to finalize plans for its summer paving project tonight. School officials hope to resurface the driveways and most of the parking lots on the schools’ campus. Plans also call for sidewalk repair, and traffic flow updates.

Board members are scheduled to approve the scope and specifications for the project, allowing Gibraltar Design to start seeking bids. A contract amendment with Gibraltar Design that will formally allow the company to continue working with the school corporation is also up for approval tonight.

In other business, the Eastern Pulaski School Board will discuss upgrading the middle/high school’s public address and bell system. An employee social media policy will be up for final approval, along with an update to the pay structure for licensed substitute teachers. Board members are also scheduled to get an update on Winamac High School’s Athletic Internship Course.

Tonight’s Eastern Pulaski School Board meeting starts at 5:30 p.m. EST in the Eastern Pulaski Conference/Meeting Center.