District 4 Knox City Councilman Submits Verbal Notification of Resignation, Members to Proceed with Official Duties Ordinance

Mayor Dennis Estok informed council members last Tuesday, that the councilman for District 4, Tim Manns, has verbally indicated that he intends to resign from the city council.

Mayor Estok said that Manns sited scheduling conflicts with work and family obligations as the reason for his resignation. Estok added that the verbal notification is not official and Manns will still need to submit a resignation in writing.

Once Manns officially resigns, a caucus will need to be held to find his replacement. That will be organized by Starke County Democrat Chairman Kenny Wallace.

Though the current absenteeism issue will be resolved with this resignation, members agreed that they should still carry forward with constructing an ordinance that would define the official duties of Knox City Council members.

Mayor Estok said he has been coordinating with Indianapolis Attorney John Molitor and suggested potentially utilizing him to assist the council with this matter. While the council may be using some outside help down the line, members will still need to come up with a rough draft of the ordinance, outlining the rules they would like to put in place.