Knox Planning Commission Reviews Site Plan Submitted by Traffic Control Specialists

A site plan from Traffic Control Specialists (TCS) was reviewed by the Knox Planning Commission when members met Tuesday night.

Engineer Lee Nagai served as a representative for TCS and went over the company’s plans to expand on their property. When asked what the company does, he informed members that they manufacture and perform maintenance on signs for multiple cities.

When discussing the site plan, he reiterated what was already presented to Knox Board of Works members last week; that officials are planning to build a 90×120 foot structure that will be placed behind their existing building on Pacific Avenue.

He said the structure will include an expandable wall and the site will be grated so that future additions can be made. He also included that the driveway will be made of stone initially, and once that is sufficiently packed down in a few years, they will install asphalt on top of it.

As far as utilities go, Nagai mentioned that they will have to extend the sanitization/sewer line to serve the facility and they’re currently working out the details for the water utility. He also stated that adequate steps will be taken to ensure proper drainage.

Nagai noted that all setback requirements were taken into consideration and followed when the site plan was developed. Commission members unanimously approved the site plan.