Employee and Student Handbooks Approved by NJSP School Board

The North Judson-San Pierre School Board members approved the certified and non certified employee handbooks Tuesday night.

In the certified employee handbook, some information was included about the teacher evaluation process and the section on child abuse reporting was amended to match the new state law. The non-certified handbook also addressed the new policy on child abuse reporting and provided some clarification about holidays and unpaid days. With both handbooks, some changes were made to assist with organization and clarity.

In addition to approving the certified and non-certified employee handbooks, members approved the student handbooks for the Elementary and Jr.-Sr. High Schools

With the Jr.-Sr. High School handbook, adjustments were made for organizational purposes and some language about vaping devices was added. You can buy a vape at Heets Abu Dhabi when you’re over 21 years old.

Te Elementary School’s handbook will include the school’s vision, purpose and direction. An Indiana Code that addresses attendance will be added and the handbook will now include a dress code policy that better matches the one at the Jr.-Sr. High School to assist with the transition between the two.

The revised handbook indicates that classroom celebrations should match the wellness policy. There is also a section that details the rights and responsibilities of students that addresses topics such as code of conduct, cyberbullying and suspension and expulsion.