North Judson Town Superintendent Informs Council Members About Recent Projects, Updates and Purchase

North Judson Town Superintendent Marshall Horstmann provided the town council members with a brief update about a few different projects that he and the utility crews have been taking care of around town.

Horstmann said that 10 new sets of barricades were recently made. He said they were painted, stenciled and reflective tape was applied. He added that he also put some tar on the stumps that were recently eliminated to prevent them from growing back.

The Superintendent noted that he finished hanging up the town’s new banners on Lane Street. He suggested that in the future, they may want to invest in a bigger size. He recommended potentially getting ones that are 24 inches wide and about 4 feet long.

A purchase order, totaling $1,946 to Blue River Technologies for two barrels of polymer was submitted. He also asked the council members to approve a purchase order to Central Paving $565.25 for 6.65 tons of cold mix. Horstmann said the mix was utilized to fill in potholes and fill up space around the manhole castings that were replaced.

Council members voted unanimously to approve both purchase orders.