Hamlet Council Adjusts Plans for Electronic Message Board

The Hamlet Town Council continues discussing the possibility of getting an electronic message board. Council President Dave Kesvormas has found a full-color, eight-and-a-half-by-three foot LED sign, for just under $2,900.

He originally suggested placing it near U.S. 30 and Starke Street, but during Wednesday’s council meeting, town officials said they’re now looking at putting it in front of the Town Hall. Clerk-Treasurer Kristina Pitts said that would make it more convenient for her to program the sign, and she thinks more residents would see it. “I mean, if it was just a ‘Welcome to Town of Hamlet’ sign, I think out by 30 would be the best place,” she said, “but something like this needs to be in town, where the majority of people do drive.”

But there are a couple challenges with the potential sign. For one thing, the message board is one-sided, so town officials have to determine which way it should face. While they seemed to prefer having it face directly east toward Starke Street, questions were raised about how visible it would be to passing motorists. Council members decided to ask Town Marshal Clint Norem for advice.

The other issue is that the $2,900 cost is only for the message board itself, not the sign structure on which to place it. Kesvormas envisioned a small concrete wall. “We’ll mount the sign,” he said, “and then we’ll finish the wall with brick, possibly, that matches the building that we already have.” Council member Connie Bailey mentioned that she may have some extra brick available.

But council member Brian Earnest said there’s a chance the town could get a sign frame for free. “The old bank sign, that frame and everything, right where you drive into the golf course, we can have that if we want it, if we would go dig it up, the concrete, everything,” he explained.

Earnest wasn’t sure that the sign is the right size to hold the message board, but town officials agreed to check. Kesvormas also noted that the message boards come in different sizes.

No definitive action was taken to purchase the sign, so that more research can be done.