Starke County Commissioners Consider Additional EMS Staff

The Starke County Commissioners discussed the addition of EMS staff last week.

Earlier this month, Starke County EMS Director Travis Clary and Clerk Mary Lynn Ritchie proposed three more full-time paramedics and three full-time EMTs to the staff roster in 2019. Ritchie conducted more research into the addition of benefits to what had been figured into their budget for full-time staff and Ritchie assured the commissioners that the funding is there for the staff.

Clary noted that some of the current part-time staff members, if qualified, could move into these full-time positions, or they could place outside applicants into these positions.

The main push for full-time staff is the overtime pay that is cutting deep in that line item. Ritchie says hiring full-time staff would save money in the long run. In addition to the cost savings, Clary said it would be better for the community as they would have a regular staff roster and not struggle to find part-time staff to fill shifts.

The commissioners unanimously approved the positions as presented. The request will now go before the Starke County Council members who will look at the budget figures and numbers presented to make a final decision.