Culver School Board Approves Sale of Surplus Property at West Central School Auction

Some surplus school equipment will be up for auction Saturday. The auction will take place at West Central High School in Francesville, starting at 10:00 a.m. EST.

The event will also include items from the Culver Community Schools Corporation, after the school board last week approved the sale of a list of surplus items presented by Superintendent Karen Shuman. “Most of it is desks, chalkboards, whiteboards that came down throughout renovations,” she said. “These were stored in various classrooms over the last year. We have now pooled that inventory together and have put it out in the new garage, but now we’d like to empty all the stuff that’s in the new garage.”

Board member Ken VanDePutte also suggested selling some air conditioning units that have been sitting unused for several years. Some other items included on an online listing for Saturday’s auction include file cabinets, exercise equipment, and other machines and furniture.