The Starke County Council members meet tonight to discuss Kankakee River flood prevention, a county mental health appropriation, and a credit card request from Prosecutor Leslie Baker.
The council members expect to hear from Assessor Michelle Schouten concerning the purchase of new computers for her office. The commissioners previously approved the purchase but encouraged her to seek an additional appropriation request through the county council.
At the commissioners’ meeting in April, Schouten presented a quote from Dell for six computer towers, plus connectors and Microsoft licenses at a cost of $5,790.96 which is money she doesn’t have in her budget.
Maintenance Director Jim Coad will update the council on fire control panel upgrades that were approved by the commissioners.
The Starke County Council meets at 5:30 p.m. tonight followed by the Starke County Commissioners meeting. The commissioners will get an update from the Prairie Trails Group, receive a grant update from Starke County EMA Director J. Nier, review a solar farm ordinance and hold the third reading on the dog nuisance ordinance.
Both meetings will be held in the first floor meeting room of the Starke Annex Building No. 1 at 53 E. Mound Street in Knox.