Eastern Pulaski School Board Approves School Improvement Plans

Eastern Pulaski schools are looking to boost attendance and communication with parents, as part of this year’s school improvement plans. The three principals recently presented their plans to the school board.

Winamac High School Principal Jeremy Tucker told board members that his school’s plan focuses on increasing attendance, parent communication, and graduation rates. He said another big goal is making sure teachers are aware of what’s in the plan and making it more collaborative. Tucker said Winamac High School is implementing curriculum mapping for the first time, and efforts are also being made to make sure teachers understand the state’s Graduation Pathways.

At the middle school, Principal Ryan Dickinson said the main goals are making sure all students are proficient in reading, writing, and math. As part of that, the school has begun using the Achieve3000 program for literacy growth. Teachers will also continue to focus on depth of knowledge.

Eastern Pulaski Elementary School Principal Jill Collins said a big goal is to get an A grade from the Indiana Department of Education. Additionally, the school hopes to maintain an attendance rate of at least 97 percent and have 90 percent of students meet established benchmarks on the ILEARN and other assessments. School officials also want to have at least 90 percent of parents attend the school’s open house, meet the teacher event, and parent-teacher conferences.

The school board approved the plans unanimously. Board Member Rob Zeider noted that while each school is required to have its own improvement plan every year, it might be beneficial to have more coordination among the three buildings. He felt that could potentially set Eastern Pulaski apart from other school corporations.