NJ-SP School Board Approves NEOLA Policies

Multiple NEOLA policies that were considered on first reading during the North Judson-San Pierre School Board’s last meeting of 2019 were up for adoption when members met Tuesday night.

Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin responded to one of the suggestions that school board members made about a specific policy.

She noted, “I appreciate your input regarding the drones. You had indicated that if you can’t enforce it, it’s difficult but perhaps we should check with local law-enforcement and it was suggested by our local law-enforcement that a foundational policy is probably a good thing.

The superintendent went on to say, “Even if there are tweaks that need to be done or if it’s hard to enforce, having that foundation of a policy is good so I did put that in there.”

Dr. Zupin mentioned that there was one additional state-mandated regulation that she added in as well.

She stated, “I also add one more policy regarding foster care transportation. That’s a state statute. They need us to have a plan. I used the state template.”

All of the policies were approved without any opposition.