The Starke County Council members will meet in joint session with the commissioners this evening with a full agenda.
Baker Tilly representatives will present an update to the council on a proposal to refinance the jail bonds to save some money. EMS Director Travis Clary will request to fill full-time positions and bring forward a transfer request from last year’s budget.
Representatives from the Starke County Economic Development Foundation will review 2020 CEDIT appropriations and provide a monthly report. CEDIT appropriations will also be reviewed for the highway department.
Starke County Sheriff Bill Dulin has a part-time wage policy, a transfer request and a security appropriation for consideration while EMA Director J. Nier will provide an update on grants. She and the commissioners will have a transfer request for the council and the council members will review an amended salary ordinance for 2020.
The Starke County Council will meet at 5:30 p.m. ET followed by an independent public meeting of the Starke County Commissioners.
The commissioners will look at adopting a comprehensive plan and an amendment to the Environmental Nuisance ordinance, while the prosecutor will discuss child abuse awareness month.
Both meetings will be held in the Starke County Annex No. 1 building at 53 E. Mound Street in Knox.