Winamac High School Principal Placed on Administrative Leave Due to Misconduct Allegations

Winamac Community High School

Winamac High School Principal Jeremy Tucker has been placed on paid administrative leave. In a statement Wednesday, Eastern Pulaski Superintendent Dara Chezem said the leave took effect January 24, due to allegations of misconduct. Chezem said the school district has launched a thorough investigation.

She added that releasing any more information at this time would compromise the investigation but said the corporation will share what information it can as it becomes available. In the meantime, the superintendent asked for the public’s patience. The paid administrative leave was unanimously approved by the Eastern Pulaski School Board during a special meeting Wednesday.

It was part of a list of personnel items that also included the resignation of Craig Barr as high school football coach. Three parents had voiced concerns about the football program during the December board meeting, according to the meeting minutes.

Board members also accepted the resignation of Laura Stout as high school English teacher Wednesday, and Fifth Grade Teacher Allison Stanton was transferred into the position. Finding a new fifth grade teacher has been a bit of a challenge, according to Superintendent Chezem. “Right now, we have not been able to identify a licensed teacher to fill that fifth grade position,” she told the school board. “We do have a sub that would be a consistent person through spring break.”

Board members agreed to give Teacher Susie Schultz a $1,500 stipend to help with lesson planning, until a licensed teacher can potentially take over after spring break.