Culver Community School Board Updated on Bond Projects

Culver Community School Superintendent Karen Shuman updated the school board on the timeline of the bond projects to begin in 2023.

Shuman said the plans are still in the design phase with SitelogIQ where some fine tuning is being done to the plans, including installing a direct ramp instead of a lift on the stage at the high school.

Shuman stated, “We’ve also talked about putting all of the bus traffic to the back of both buildings and then that also is adding a drive on to State Road 10 for the buses to exit at the end of the day.  We have approval from the State to do such, but they need the actual plans to fully approve that.”

Shuman said plans for the Family and Consumer Science (FACS) room are looking good. “They’ll have two sections of kitchen, which may suited for a kitchen butcher block island, with five stations in it and the teaching demo station in the middle.  On the other side is a work station/classroom and it also has six tables in it for student work, and a lot of cabinetry for storage.  We’re adding two new classrooms, too.  So, as we continue to grow in our student population to have those two classrooms available will be nice in the future.”

Work will also be done to improve the band and choir room areas, along with the Elementary School Library, parking lots, new varsity locker rooms with collegiate-type lockers, new gym floors at the Elementary and Middle School, and other electrical and fixture updates.

Two series of bonds of $12,050,000 will finance these updates to the school buildings.