Culver Town Manager Leaves Office This Week

Ginny Bess Munroe

Ginny Bess Munroe’s last day as the town manager for the Town of Culver will be Friday, March 31.  She attended her last Culver Town Council meeting Tuesday night where all of the council members, Clerk-Treasurer Karen Heim and Town Attorney Jim Clevenger wished her well in her next phase of life.  A few commented that she had held the position better than those who have been in the office in the last few years.

Munroe announced her resignation in mid-December of 2022.  She first announced her last day would be in February of this year, but agreed to stay on until a replacement was chosen.  Even though there have been complications in finding a successor, Munroe announced earlier this month that her last day would be Friday, March 31. 

She said she would be available to help the next person chosen as the Culver town manager.

It was announced Tuesday night that Mitch Ripley from HR Unlimited Resources out of Sheridan, Indiana will again be assisting the town in the search for a new town manager.