Drop Boxes Available to Discard Prescription Medications


It was recently reported that one of the biggest issues in Starke County is prescription drug abuse. A program sponsored by Moving Starke County Forward will be held in the next couple of months that will give information to community members on how to combat this pressing issue.

If you have unwanted, unused or expired prescription medication, you may take that medication to drop off locations at the Knox City Police Department and at the Starke County Sheriff’s Department.

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Winamac Pipes Have Thawed, Turn Off Your Faucets

Winamac Town Hall
Winamac Town Hall

Winamac residents no longer need to let their faucets drip to keep their pipes from freezing. That’s the word from town manager Jim Conner. He tells WKVI news water lines in town have finally thawed out and thanks residents for their cooperation. Also, Conner says any residents who no longer want the small recycling containers provided by the town can put them out, empty, with their trash on your collection day April 7th or 8th. The town will pick them up on those days.

Knox Board of Works Given Update on Lift Station Project

Knox Board of Public Works
Knox Board of Public Works

The Knox Board of Works received an update on the lift station project on Clabaugh Drive.

A pay application for $10,553.07 was approved. Bob Aloi from Territorial Engineering explained that the pump issue over the winter was reportedly caused by a problem with the force main. He said once the wastewater department crews finished cleaning the force main, crews will see how well the pump works. Aloi doesn’t anticipate any further costs in this project, but if the crews evaluate the pump after the force main is cleared and they find that it’s not working properly, crews would need to remove the pump and reevaluate the situation which could cost the city more money.

The project, which was supposed to be completed before the winter season, is nearly finished. The old lift station still needs to be removed and other items need to be wrapped up, including paving, before it is all said and done.

Bench Trial Held in Starke Circuit Court

A bench trial was held yesterday in Starke Circuit Court in the case of Johnny DuBois.

During a pre-trial motion and instructions hearing on Tuesday, both the defense and the state agreed to waive the right for a trial and the defense asked for a bench trial which was granted.

Both sides presented evidence in the case yesterday and Judge Kim Hall took all evidence under advisement. Judge Hall will deliver a verdict today at 10 a.m.

Moving Starke County Forward Looks Deeper into Health Rankings Report


The Robert Wood Johnson County Health Rankings report came out this week and Starke County ranked in the bottom ten of all 92 counties in the state.

Moving Starke County Forward leader Nancy Dembowski said the organization began working to improve the numbers last year and noted that it takes a while to get things moving in the right direction. She said it’s going to take time and effort to overturn the numbers.

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LaPorte Couple Reports Tax-Related Identity Theft

A LaPorte couple recently found out they were victims of identity theft after getting a cashier’s check and a letter from a bank in California. The letter from Citizen’s Bank in La Lolla, Calif. stated the cashier’s check for $3,675.06 could not be deposited using the information that was provided to them. That’s when the couple discovered their identity had been stolen, and someone had used their Social Security numbers to file a federal income tax return. They contacted the IRS and a credit monitoring agency to report the activity and also filed a report with the LaPorte Police Department.

Visit the Federal Trade Commission’s website to learn how to guard against identity theft and the steps to take should your identity be stolen. You can access all this information at http://www.consumer.ftc.gov/features/feature-0014-identity-theft.

Knox Council Once Again Tables Museum Relocation Discussion

Knox City Council
Knox City Council

The Starke County Historical Society has hit another roadblock as they seek to relocate their museum. The Knox City Council this week refused to give the Historical Society permission to lease the city’s railroad right-of-way on U.S. 35, across from the visitor’s center, but Marvin McLaughlin with the Historical Society said this won’t necessarily stop them from establishing the new building.

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Gas Prices Still Fluctuating in Indiana

While the national average price for a gallon of gas has been steadily increasing over the last month, having risen from $3.42 to $3.51, the average price per gallon in Indiana has been fluctuating steadily, having last peaked at $3.69 on March 23 after its previous dip to $3.57 on March 21. The average price per gallon in the state is now around $3.65, and according to GasBuddy.com Senior Petroleum Analyst Patrick DeHaan, these jumps coincide with the time of year when gas prices are most volatile.

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Food Finders Mobile Food Pantry Returns to Pulaski County

Pulaski County residents who meet income guidelines can get some help stretching their grocery budgets when the Food Finders Mobile Food Pantry rolls into Winamac next week. It will be set up at the Pulaski County Highway Garage north of Winamac on Friday, April 4. Items will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, starting at 11 a.m. EDT. Please do not arrive more than 15 minutes early. Be sure to bring a box or laundry basket to hold your items, which may include frozen meats, beverages, snacks, baked goods, vegetables and cereal.

IU Health Starke Hospital Offers Final Free Affordable Care Act Event

Area residents have one final chance to get their questions about the Affordable Care Act answered before Monday’s looming deadline. IU Health Starke Hospital is hosting a free question and answer session today from 1 p.m. until 3 p.m. CDT in the conference room. IU Health Exchange Navigators will be able to help people sign up for coverage or answer any questions they may have. Monday is the last day for people without insurance to sign up for coverage in order to avoid paying a penalty during next year’s tax season.

The federal government did grant a reprieve for people who have started an application on the healthcare.gov website but can’t complete it by the March 31 deadline. They will be given an extension, although the amount of time was not specified. In order to qualify, the applicant needs to check the blue box on the healthcare.gov website indicating an attempt to sign up for coverage by the March 31 deadline.

Offenders Sentenced in Starke Circuit Court

Several offenders were sentenced in Starke Circuit Court Tuesday morning.

Starke County Courthouse
Starke County Courthouse
Steven Brown pleaded guilty to charges of Possession of a Firearm without a Permit, a Class A misdemeanor and a charge of Possession of a Firearm without a Permit with a Prior Conviction, a Class C felony. Those two charges merged into one count. He also pleaded guilty to a charge of Trespass as a Class A misdemeanor. Starke Circuit Court Judge Kim Hall sentenced Brown to four years in the Department of Corrections with no part of the sentence suspended, plus one year in the Starke County Jail on the trespass charge. The sentences will run concurrently. He was permitted to serve his sentence on home detention with electronic monitoring.

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Starke County Ranks Low in Health Outcomes

For the second year in a row, Starke County has fallen in the lowest ranking for health outcomes, according to the annual County Health Rankings, released by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute.

The ten counties with the lowest ranking include Delaware, Lawrence, Sullivan, Orange, Jasper, Starke, Crawford, Blackford, Fayette and Scott.

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Applications for Federal Funding for Transportation Projects to be Accepted Soon

The Indiana Department of Transportation will soon be accepting applications for $86 million in federal transportation funding. Applications from cities, towns and counties will be taken beginning April 14.

INDOT was awarded the money in February for local transportation projects to be bid in July 2016. This round of funding is for projects that would be designed, developed and have purchased land according to federal standards prior to bid during the fiscal year beginning July 2017.

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South Central Schedules Prospective Student Open House

Parents and students who are thinking about enrolling in South Central Junior/Senior High School during the upcoming school year will have a chance next week to check things out. School officials have scheduled a prospective student open house/pre-registration night on Thursday, April 3 from 6 until 7 p.m. in the school cafeteria. Information about South Central’s academic programs, activities and new initiatives planned for the coming years will be shared. School tours will also be provided, and current students and staff members will be on hand to answer questions and provide insight into life as a South Central student.

Attendees are asked to park in the west lot and enter through the cafeteria doors. Contact the school office at 219-767-2266 for additional information.

Psi Iota Xi College Scholarship Deadline Approaching


The Knox Chapter of the Psi Iota Xi sorority has announced that they will soon be awarding scholarships to deserving Starke County seniors. Previous recipients may also reapply; the application is simple, and only asks for a brief written paragraph.

With the upcoming deadline of April 4, the sorority is urging all seniors to not miss the opportunity for free money. Tammy Fletcher, president of the sorority’s Knox chapter, said her sorority has been active in the community for more than 27 years, staying busy all year round.

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Empty Bowls Project Raises More Than $2000 for Food Bank of Northern Indiana


The inaugural Empty Bowls project at the Center at Donaldson was a resounding success, filled to the brim with eager participants. The project began in early February at MoonTree Studios, when the public was invited in on a Saturday to make clay bowls with their own hands. Participants then returned two weeks later to glaze their bisque-fired bowls with combinations of blue, beige, green, and reddish-brown glazes. These unique bowls numbered over 300 for the Empty Bowls soup supper on Saturday, March 15.

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Operation Pull Over Blitz Successful in LaPorte

The LaPorte City Police Department recently wrapped up another successful Operation Pull Over Blitz.

Officers worked 52 hours of impaired driving patrols and 122 hours of aggressive driving patrols. Six arrests were made that included a preliminary charge of Operating While Intoxicated and two arrests for other offenses. Officers wrote a total of 267 citations and 225 warnings for other violations; of those, 128 were for speeding, 19 for driving while suspended, 14 for stop sign and traffic signal violations, 61 for seat belt violations, five for texting while driving and several others for various offenses.

Operation Pull Over Blitz #78 ran from Feb. 28 to March 23.

Operation Pull Over is a federally funded enforcement initiative administered by the Traffic Safety Division of the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute.

Poverty Simulation Program Scheduled for April 12

Purdue Extension of Pulaski County, in partnership with Community Action Poverty Simulation, will be holding a poverty simulation program on Saturday, April 12. This is geared to place residents in various life-like activities to demonstrate how families living in poverty survive from day to day.

Participants will be assuming the role of a low-income family member living on a limited budget. Four 15-minute sessions will be held and each session will represent one week in which you must provide for your family and maintain your home.

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