Updated Tippy’s Revolving Loan Request Approved by Pulaski County Commissioners

The Pulaski County Commissioners have again taken action to approve a Winamac restaurant’s revolving loan request. Tippy’s has been asking for financing to help cover the cost of moving to a larger space. The county commissioners had conditionally approved the request twice already, but each time, it had to be changed to address various concerns.

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Knox School Board Approves Pay Raises for Administrators, Classified Staff

Several Knox school administrators will be getting a raise, following action by the school board Monday. “The board approved raises for administrators from anywhere between zero up to $2,000,” says Superintendent Dr. William Reichhart,” depending upon the administrator and the evaluation that was done on that particular administrator.”

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New Health Insurance Option Available to North Judson Town Council

Annually, the North Judson Town Council is required to review their health insurance plan. On Monday, they received a report from their insurance broker John Howard with the Wealth Care Group.

Howard explained that for the first time this year, the council has the ability to pick up to three plans that employees can then personally choose from. No formal decisions were made about which plan to choose. Continue reading

Veteran’s Day Flag to be Given to Collector after Observance

Matthew J. Foster shows the commissioners one flag he will give Sergeant Lardino for his flag collection

The Starke County Commissioners considered a request from Matthew J. Foster to fly an American Flag at the Starke County Courthouse at the war memorial on Veteran’s Day, Nov. 11, and retire that flag the next day to give to a Starke County soldier.

Foster plans to give it to E7 Sergeant First Class Ronald James Lardino II. Sergeant Lardino is a Knox native and has spent the past 17.5 years in the U.S. Army. His service includes two combat tours in Iraq and one tour in Kuwait. He is currently stationed in Georgia. Continue reading

Veterans Will Be Honored at Various Events this Friday

Several local schools will be hosting various events tomorrow in honor of Veterans Day.

Eastern Pulaski Elementary School will hold their program at 8:30 a.m. ET while Winamac High School’s event will commence an hour later at 9:30 a.m. ET

Oregon-Davis Junior/Senior High School is hosting a breakfast Friday morning. Doors will open at 8:15 CT and breakfast will be served at 8:30 a.m. Following that, their program will commence at 9:45 a.m. sharp. Continue reading

Senator Donnelly to Talk Future Farm Bill at Ancilla Tomorrow

Photo: Lauren Chapman – Indiana Public Media

This Friday, Senator Joe Donnelly will hold a farm bill listening session beginning in Cana Hall on the Ancilla College campus.

Senator Donnelly is a member of the US Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry. The current farm bill is scheduled to expire next year so Donnelly is seeking public input about agricultural matters, specifically farm policy issues that are integral to consider when the new farm bill is being written. Continue reading

Culver Officials Break Ground on Housing Project

Culver town officials, county representatives, Housing Developer Kevin Berger, and other dignitaries helped break ground on the Sand Hill Farm workforce housing development in Culver Wednesday afternoon.

The housing development includes 24 apartments that will feature affordable one, two and three bedroom units at 540 W. Jefferson Street with hopes of the project complete in 2018. Elkay, one of Culver’s largest employers, will provide the cabinetry for the units in an extensive project partnership. Continue reading

La Porte County Investigates Safe Haven Baby Box Alarm


A newborn baby was found in the Safe Haven Baby Box in La Porte County.

According to La Porte police, emergency responders responded to the baby box alarm at the Coolspring Township Volunteer Fire Department on Tuesday night. Police say Fire Chief Mick Pawlik was the first to arrive at the station and found the newborn baby. An ambulance was summoned and the infant was rushed to Franciscan St. Anthony’s Hospital in Michigan City. Continue reading

Trial Scheduled for North Judson Man Charged with Stalking

A trial for 45-year-old Clayton Conley, of North Judson, is scheduled in Starke Circuit Court today. Conley is reportedly charged with stalking, a level 6 felony.

According to the provided police report, Conley was arrested twice on March 29th for separate incidents involving his sister. Detective Sergeant Adam Gray with the Starke County Sheriff’s Department reports that Conley was first escorted off his sister’s property around 7:53 a.m. when he refused to leave after an argument. Continue reading

Starke County Commissioners Approve Proposal for Elevator Project

The Starke County Commissioners reviewed a proposal from the Skillman Corporation for plans for a new elevator at the courthouse.

The construction manager’s fee was set at $12,750 while another $32,250 was approved for other construction manager and general condition fees.

The construction of the elevator is expected to begin in spring 2018 and take three or four months to complete.

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Culver Stellarbration and Sand Hill Farm Groundbreaking Today

The Town of Culver’s Stellarbration event is set for today at the Culver Beach Lodge. The town was named a Stellar Community in the state’s Stellar Communities Designation Program on Oct. 18 after two years of hard work to achieve the status.

Prior to this event, officials will conduct a groundbreaking ceremony on the Sand Hill Farms workforce housing development which is a project detailed in the Stellar Communities application. Construction of this structure will provide housing for those seeking one, two or three bedroom apartments who want to make Culver their home. The project helps complete goals of increasing housing and population, plus an increase in enrollment and economy in Culver. Continue reading

NJ Animal Ordinance will Receive Final Reading at Next Town Council Meeting

The ordinance to regulate the housing and maintenance of animals within the town of North Judson was further discussed during a Monday evening town council meeting.

Council member Jane Ellen Felchuck moved to suspend the second reading and that motion was passed. Town attorney Justin Schramm explained that since they suspended the second reading, if 4 out of the 5 council members approved, they could pass the ordinance then and there. Continue reading

Starke County Highway Department to Try Product in Cold Mix Asphalt


Starke County Highway Department crews will be working with a new product to include with the cold asphalt mix.

Highway Superintendent Rik Ritzler explained to the county commissioners Monday night that they have been chosen by a vendor to use an additive to the cold mix asphalt that could help it cure quicker and provide a product that would last longer. Ritzler said the vendor has adapted a hot mix version of this additive to work with cold mix. Continue reading

Applications Now Open for Five Star and Urban Waters Restoration Grant Program

Organizations working to improve local waterways can apply for up to $50,000 in federal matching grants. The Five Star and Urban Waters Restoration Grant Program gives local governments, schools, and non-profit organizations money to improve water quality and enhance the habitat for local wildlife. Additionally, projects must engage the public, have measurable results, involve at least five partner organizations, and include a plan to sustain the project beyond the grant period.

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