Bicyclist Dies after Accident with Semi


A 53-year-old Hammond man died after he reportedly rode his bicycle into the path of an oncoming semi truck.

On Monday evening, La Porte City Police say witnesses saw the semi turning north on J Street at the intersection of 6th Street in La Porte and had a green light. A bicyclist, Glen Byrley, disregarded the signal and drove his bicycle into the path of the semi, according to the press release. The driver of the semi, 63-year-old Jeffrey Smith from Sheboygan, Wisconsin, reportedly could not stop in time to avoid a collision.

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Pulaski County Commissioners Deny CAFO Rezoning Request

Livestock Engineering Solutions President Michael Veenhuizen discusses plans for confined hog feeding operation.

A new confined hog feeding operation will not be coming to rural Pulaski County. The county commissioners voted Monday to deny a request to rezone a piece of property at 300 South and 700 West from General Agriculture to Intensive Agriculture. That would have allowed for the construction of four wean-to-finish pig production buildings.

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Starke County Sheriff Requests Three Full-Time Staff Members

The Starke County Commissioners considered a proposal from Sheriff Bill Dulin to move three part-time employees to full-time positions at the Starke County Sheriff’s Office in 2018.

Sheriff Dulin said he’d like to have a full-time receptionist, full-time cook and full-time 911 operator. He said a significant savings in part-time funding would be saved if these three employees moved to full-time. He is also asking for a raise of $1,000 for dispatchers to be included in the 2018 budget.

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Medaryville Moving Ahead with Plans for New Water Tower

The Town of Medaryville is working on plans for a new water tower. According to officials in the clerk-treasurer’s office, the plan is to build the water tower across the street from the town hall, on land currently owned by the Diocese of Lafayette. During a special session Friday, the town council voted to make an official offer to buy the two parcels for $6,000.

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Winamac Park Board to Continue Exploring Veterans Memorial Park Options

Winamac artist Greg Hildebrandt drew this rendering of the proposed bench and sign placement for the park board.

The Winamac Park Board is scaling back its plans for upgrades to Veterans Memorial Park, at least for now. Park Board President Courtney Poor had suggested adding a decorative archway prominently displaying the name of the park. But during last week’s meeting, he said he has reconsidered, after residents complained the archway would clutter the park.

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CAFO Rezoning Request to be Considered by Pulaski County Commissioners Tonight

The Pulaski County Commissioners are expected to make a decision on a confined animal feeding operation tonight. Back in May, the Pulaski County Advisory Plan Commission recommended that the property at 300 South and 700 West be rezoned from General Agriculture to Intensive Agriculture. That would allow for the construction of four wean-to-finish pig production buildings.

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La Porte Police Conducting Enforcement Campaign

The La Porte City Police Department is joining 220 Indiana law enforcement agencies in the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign.

Officers will be out in full force from mid-August through the Labor Day weekend in September targeting impaired drivers. They will increase sobriety checkpoints, roving patrols and saturation patrols.

It is illegal to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 or higher. In Indiana, drivers under 21 with a (BAC) of .02 or higher are subject to fines and a license suspension for up to one year. Continue reading

Starke County Commissioners to Meet Tonight


The Starke County Commissioners will discuss several items when they meet for their meeting later tonight.

EMS Director Travis Clary and Clerk Mary Lynn Ritchie will have their regular report along with a review of the budget and a transfer request. The pair appeared before the county council last month asking for additional funds to help sustain the budget. Ambulance repairs have taken a toll on funds.

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North Judson-San Pierre School Board to Discuss 2018 Budget Tonight, Following Special Meeting


The North Judson-San Pierre School Board will work on the corporation’s 2018 budget this evening, after wrapping up some business before the start of the school year. School administrators weren’t quite done hiring teachers before last month’s regular meeting. The school board will meet in special session today at 5:00 p.m. to take care of those personnel items.

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