Knox Eases Into Golf Cart Ordinance Enforcement


Knox residents whose golf carts are equipped with headlights and taillights will be allowed to drive them to Wythogan Park for Saturday’s events leading up to the fireworks show. However, they will still be charged the $10 per vehicle gate fee to get in and will not be allowed to drive their carts around the park while the activities are going on. Continue reading

Culver Chips Away at Main Street Parking Lot Work

culver town hall

A parking lot in the 200 block of South Main Street in Culver is seeing work progress.

The striping and paving on the parking lot have been completed, something that Town Manager Jonathan Leist said progressed nicely. At this point in the upgrades, however, Culver is responsible for lighting, fencing, signage, and screening in the parking lot.

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Knox Mayor Outlines Road Project Proposals

City_of_Knox_LogoThe City of Knox hopes to leverage matching grant money from the state to complete up to five road improvement projects. Mayor Dennis Estok told the city council last night each is a separate proposal on the application that’s being submitted to the Indiana Department of Transportation. The state awarded one-time Local Option Income Tax distributions to cities, towns and counties, on the condition that 75 percent of that money must be used for infrastructure improvements. Knox got a total LOIT distribution of $268,000. Continue reading