Starke County Youth Club Seeks Funds to Expand Programs

The Starke County Youth Club is able to provide after-school programs to students K-12 across the county thanks to grant funding.

One grant the club utilizes is the 21st Century Community Learning Centers grant. SC Youth Club Executive Director Irene Szakonyi said they’re reapplying for that grant this year and the deadline for it is coming up soon.

Szakonyi explained that and a part of the grant process, Youth Club representatives are working with their partners to determine particular needs. She said their partners include all the county schools, the public library system, the Starke County Economic Development Foundation and Purdue Cooperative Extension Services.

“We really do work together to make sure that there are high quality programs for kids in this community that address academic outputs, and personal success for kids.”Szakonyi continued, “Things like homework help and tutoring, science, technology engineering, and math, life skills, college and career readiness. All of those things that make sure that a kid is prepared to be successful in school and in work and in life.” Continue reading

NJSP School Board Held Work Session Over Proposed Graduation Requirements

The North Judson-San Pierre school board held a work session last week to discuss proposed changes to graduation requirements and accountability grades. These changes would not only impact NJSP, but all Indiana public schools.

Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin clarified that some things are still not set in stone but she wanted the board to meet to go over some of the issues that could arise from these educational adjustments at the national and state level.

There were quite a few topics that were discussed but a potential change causing major concerns is the different graduation requirements that are being proposed. With the adjustment, schools could no longer accept any diploma less than a Core 40. Continue reading

Construction Administrator Provides Project Updates to North Judson-San Pierre School Board

When the North Judson-San Pierre School Board met last week they received a project report from Edward Sawa, the construction administrator of Fanning Howey.

Sawa has been working closely with Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin and Maintenance Director Wilbur Collins to determine the specifics of current capital projects. Last Tuesday Sawa informed board members of some the key preliminary findings from some onsite investigations.

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Starke County Community Foundation Holiday Open House

The Starke County Community Foundation is holding a holiday open house on November 28th in conjunction with Giving Tuesday.

The Tuesday after Thanksgiving is celebrated annually as Giving Tuesday. It follows the popular shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday and is held as a way to kick off the charitable season. The initiative is meant to inspire individuals to give back locally.

Next Tuesday, from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. come down to the Starke County Community Foundation office facility located in the former North Judson-San Pierre middle school office suite at 950 Campbell Drive. You can enjoy some holiday treats and learn about this year’s impact. Continue reading

Repairs to North Judson-San Pierre Pool Continue

North Judson-San Pierre Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin said that planned renovations to the school’s swimming area will still be done in the spring as planned but they must deal with an unforeseen issue first.

Dr. Zupin stated that Maintenance Director Wilbur Collins noticed something wrong with the pool that required an immediate repair.

“The main drain boxes are really corroded.” Zupin said, “They corroded and that was what was allowing the dirt and the water to get into the pool which is what Mr. Collins saw with discoloration, so we needed to replace the main drain boxes.” Continue reading

North Judson Town Council Receives Update About Community Center Committee Funds

The North Judson Town Council held the final reading of their 2018 Budget when they met earlier this week. Following the reading, the council adopted the budget which has an estimated total of $983,546 according to Indiana Gateway.

Additionally, the clerk-treasurer at the time, Alicia Collins informed the council members where the $12,000 of funds raised by the Community Center Committee will go now that the project is no longer being pursued. Continue reading

NJSP Superintendent Provides a Peek at Some Preliminary Work Being Done on Lease Rental Bond Projects

North Judson-San Pierre Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin had a plethora of project updates to provide to the school board when they met Tuesday night.

Dr. Zupin informed the board that although they won’t be receiving money from their lease rental bonds until January, plenty of preliminary work has been done so far. She stated that quotes are out for the bathroom partition replacement portion of the project and she anticipates that work to be completed over Christmas Break while students are out of the building. Continue reading

2% Increase to Base Salary Included in North Judson-San Pierre Master Teacher Contract

The North Judson-San Pierre Teacher’s Master Contract was ratified by the teacher’s association on Thursday of last week and received board approval during the NJSP school board meeting on Tuesday night.

Superintendent Dr. Annette Zupin stated that the contract is a 2 year agreement which will be retroactive to the beginning of this school year. She shared that some of the highlights include that the beginning teacher base pay was raised to $35,000.

Dr. Zupin said that a two percent increase was applied to existing teacher salaries. She went on to thank the teachers, “They’ve been patient through our financial issues and they are here because they are loyal and committed to North Judson-San Pierre so they deserve what we were able to work together to accomplish.” Continue reading

North Judson-San Pierre School Board Meets Tonight

The North Judson San-Pierre School Board will meet tonight at 7 p.m. in the school corporation’s administrative office.

Items up for discussion and action include a donation from Farm Bureau, the approval of certified handbook modifications and amendments to the non-certified handbook. The approval of the teachers’ master contract and approval of advertising the tax anticipation warrant are also on the agenda for tonight.

Board members will also receive some information about the Wonder Kind Project when they meet this evening.

Starke County Economic Development Foundation Manufacturer’s Day

The theme of this year’s Starke County Economic Development Foundation’s Manufacturer’s Day is “Focus on Your Future”. Students from Oregon-Davis, North Judson-San Pierre, Culver and Knox Community Schools will attend today’s event at Knox Middle School with their sights set on future employment.

More than 350 7th grade students and 200 senior students are anticipated to attend the program which is intended to ensure that students are aware of the available job opportunities within the county and the required skills, training and education needed to obtain a position and keep it.

Representatives from more than ten industries from around the county will be available to share any details about what their jobs entail and what they look for in potential employees. Continue reading

SCYC Members Selling Butter Braids

Starke-County-Youth-ClubMembers of the Starke County Youth Club are taking part in a tasty fundraiser to help support the organization’s after school activities. Butter braid sales wrap up Tuesday, Oct. 11. Executive Director Irene Szakonyi says proceeds help fund programs at North Judson-San Pierre Elementary and Middle School, Oregon-Davis Elementary and High School and Knox Middle and Knox Community Elementary Schools. Continue reading

North Judson-San Pierre Looking for Conversation Starter in Documentary

North Judson-San Pierre High School
North Judson-San Pierre High School

North Judson-San Pierre Schools are hoping a film can start a conversation on the future of their school services.

For three days in February, the school corporation will be showing the film “Rise Above the Mark.” The documentary attempts to explain some of the challenges faced in classrooms in the United States.
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Starke County Schools Considering Balanced Calendar

CalendarThe Knox and Oregon-Davis School Boards could vote tonight to adopt a balanced school calendar for the 2015-2016 school year, and the North Judson-San Pierre School Board will consider one when they meet tomorrow. A balanced calendar still features the state-mandated 180 classroom days. The school year starts earlier in August and includes longer breaks in the fall and spring. They can be used for either remediation for students who are struggling or enrichment for higher-achieving pupils. Continue reading

Three Starke County Schools to Take Part in Manufacturer’s Day


The Knox Middle School is hosting Manufacturer’s Day tomorrow. A total of 15 local companies will have booths set up for 7th graders from Knox, Oregon-Davis and North Judson-San Pierre to visit and learn about what they do. Students will also learn what qualifications are necessary to work there. Knox Middle School Principal Joshua Pugh says hands-on learning like this really helps students think about their futures.

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FOP Raises Money for Shop With a Cop

06-04-14 FOP pictureMembers of the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #129 raised more than $2,400 at their first golf outing fundraiser on May 31. A total of 32 golfers participated in the event. All the proceeds raised go to the annual back-to-school Shop With A Cop program. It allows underprivileged school-aged children from Oregon-Davis, Knox and North Judson-San Pierre to accompany a police officer to Kohl’s in Valparaiso before school starts in order to buy school supplies and clothes. Kyle Hinds with the Hamlet Police Department says the local FOP plans to continue the golf outing in the future due to its success this year.