Local Schools Looking to Implement Graduation Pathways for Students Struggling to Pass ISTEP


Local school administrators are looking toward the state’s new Graduation Pathways as a way to help current students struggling to pass the ISTEP. Knox High School Principal Dr. Elizabeth Ratliff told the school board last week that the initiative provides more options to students planning careers in various skilled trades.

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Oregon-Davis School Board Finalizes Updates to Course Description Guide

Oregon-Davis High School students will be able to take Aviation or AP Art classes next school year. The school board finalized the 2019-2020 Course Description Guide Monday. The new aviation courses will be based at Plymouth Municipal Airport and will be available to high students throughout the local area through the North Central Area Vocational Cooperative.

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Oregon-Davis School Board Approves Recommendation for New Assistant Principal and Athletic Director

The Oregon-Davis School Board members met in special session on Friday morning to consider a recommendation for the new Junior/Senior High Assistant Principal and Athletic Director.

Superintendent Dr. Don Harmon said the members unanimously approved the recommendation that was made by the interview committee.

He explained, “Through an extensive interview process, our high school principal Mr. Chris Matthys and a team of staff members interviewed several individuals. Through that process, the recommendation was for Michael Siwy.” Continue reading