Repairs to the Bass Lake Beach gate house have begun. The structure was seriously damaged when a pickup truck reportedly crashed into it back in November.
Starke County Park Board May Be Willing to Help Maintain Koontz Lake Shoreline
Starke County Forester Voices Concerns with Proposed Name for County Forest Access Road
The Starke County Forest’s access trail will soon be upgraded to a gravel road, but what it should be called is up for debate. Continue reading
Starke County Park Board Approves Rent Increase on Bass Lake Beach and Campground
Starke County Park Board Denied Operation Round Up Grant for Bass Lake Beach Improvements
Starke County Forest Access Improvement Work to Begin Soon
Work is expected to start soon on a new road and parking lot at the Starke County Forest. County Attorney Marty Lucas says an update on the project was given to the Starke County Park Board this week. “The project was delayed a little bit due to the flooding has kept Highway Superintendent [Rik] Ritzler very busy,” Lucas says, “and we hope to get that moving in the next few days.”
Bass Lake Beach Gate House Insurance Settlement Finalized
Starke County Park Board to Decide on Rent Increase for Bass Lake Beach and Campground Operator
The Starke County Park Board is looking to raise the rent on the Bass Lake Beach and Campground, but how exactly that will take place still has to be determined. Callahan Development, LLC’s lease on the property was discussed during Tuesday’s park board meeting. While the original 10-year lease period is up at the end of the month, the company has exercised an option to renew it for another 10 years.
Funds Created for Starke County Park Board Grant Funds

With the acquisition of thousands of dollars worth of grants for projects at the Starke County Forest and the Bass Lake Beach, Starke County Auditor Kay Chaffins suggested the creation of two line items within the budget for those funds.
The park board was recently awarded $15,000 from the Hardesty Memorial Endowment Fund and $5,000 in a Community Support Grant.
Starke County Park Board Agrees to Compensation Offer for Bass Lake Beach Gate House Damage
Starke County Park Board Discusses Rent Increase, Clarifications to Bass Lake Beach Lease
Hoosier Valley Railroad Museum May Consider Leasing Erie Trail to Starke County

Bringing the North Judson Erie Trail under Starke County’s control is something the Hoosier Valley Railroad Museum might be willing to consider. The museum owns the trail, but Starke County’s five-year park plan suggests that the county lease it and operate it as a park facility. Starke County Park Board President Roger Chaffins said Tuesday that he spoke with the museum’s president, Cory Bennett, and Bennett seemed open to resuming discussions.
Starke County Park Board Gets Two More Proposals for Bass Lake Beach Operations
The Starke County Park Board continues to hear from people interested in operating the Bass Lake Beach. The entire beach and campground is currently run by Callahan Development, LLC, which leases it from Starke County. But the company said it may be willing to give up control of the beach itself, to allow it to focus on the profitable campground and pier slots.
Starke County Community Foundation Presents $20,000 in Grants to Starke County Park Board
The Starke County Forest will get $15,000 worth of improvements this spring, thanks to a grant from the Hardesty Memorial Endowment Fund. The funding was formally presented to the Starke County Park Board Tuesday by Starke County Community Foundation Director of Development Sarah Origer and Northern Indiana Community Foundation Executive Director Jay Albright.
Starke County Park Board to Get Updates on Grant Applications
The Starke County Park Board will get updates on some grant applications tonight. The park board has already been awarded $5,000 from the Starke County Community Foundation to help prevent and repair erosion at the Bass Lake Beach. Starke County is also seeking funding from Arrowhead Country Resource Conservation and Development and Kankakee Valley REMC’s Operation Round Up program.
Request for Proposals for Bass Lake Beach Operations Generates One Response
The Starke County Park Board’s proposal to split operations of the Bass Lake Beach and Campground has gotten a response. The entire beach and campground is currently operated by Callahan Development, LLC, which leases it from Starke County. But the company said it may be willing to give up control of the beach itself, to allow it to focus on the profitable campground and pier slots.
Starke County Park Board Continues to Discuss Erie Trail Lease with Hoosier Valley Railroad Museum
The Prairie Trails Club says it’s ready to make improvements to the North Judson Erie Trail, but it might be easier to do if Starke County were formally involved. The trail is owned by the Hoosier Valley Railroad Museum, but Starke County’s five-year park plan suggests that the county lease it and operate it as a park facility.
Starke County Park Board Seeking Grant Funding for Forest Access Project
Starke County Park Board Gets $5,000 Grant for Bass Lake Beach Erosion Prevention Project
Efforts to prevent and repair erosion at the Bass Lake Beach have gotten a financial boost from the Starke County Community Foundation. The Starke County Park Board announced Tuesday that it was recently awarded a $5,000 Community Support Grant for the installation of glacial stone, as well as additional sand.