Balanced Calendar Public Meetings Set This Week

More informational sessions on a balanced calendar are set for this week.

Community meetings are set for Tuesday, March 11 at 7 p.m. ET at the Walkerton Elementary School; Wednesday, March 12 at 6 p.m. CT at the Oregon-Davis Board Room; Wednesday, March 12 at 7 p.m. ET at the Culver High School; March 13 at 6 p.m. ET at the Argos Administration Building; and March 13 at 7 p.m. ET at the John Glenn High School.

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Walkerton Elementary School Teacher Named Corporation “Teacher of the Year”

John Glenn School Corporation officials recognized Lisa Rizek, a special education teacher at Walkerton Elementary School, as the “Teacher of the Year” this week. Other teachers considered for the distinction included John Glenn teacher Julie Parent; Damon Groves, an instructor at Urey Middle School; and North Liberty Elementary teacher Sandra Anderson.

Superintendent Richard Reese presented the audience with a letter which he read aloud, written by a parent of an autistic child who wished to thank Rizek for helping the child show outstanding improvement throughout the course of the school year.

Rizek will now vie for the distinction of the state “Teacher of the Year” award, an award that had previously been given to the late Bob Mulligan, at art teacher at the corporation who won the award in the 1970s.