The unemployment report is out for October. Starke County went down in percentage, but went up in the state ranking. Starke County went from 11.3% in September to an even 11% in October. But the County moved from the ninth highest unemployment rate in the state to seventh in October.
Pulaski County and Porter County had the lowest rates in our area. Pulaski came in at 8.0% and Porter was 7.9%. Marshall was an even 10.0%; La Porte 10.6%; Fulton 9.2%; St. Joseph 10.6% and Jasper was 8.5%. Since the January report, Starke has dropped from 13.6% for the 11.0%; Pulaski dropped from 10.1% to 8.0% and Marshall dropped from 12.4% to 10.0%.