During its meeting Tuesday night, the Knox City Council approved the final payment to close out the rehabilitation project at the Wastewater Treatment Facility. Even with the change orders presented, the total project came in $9,991 under budget. Mike Strang, from Bonar and Associates, said he and Wastewater Superintendent, Kelly Clemons, were happy with the work done by the contracting company, R. E. Crosby.
The Council also approved the designation of the road from US 35 and Culver Road west to 300 East and north two miles to State Road 8 as a Major Rural Collector. The Starke County Development Foundation, City of Knox and the Starke County Commissioners are working on what is known as the 300 East project. This project includes the expansion of the intersection of 300 East and Pacific Avenue so semi-truck drivers can maneuver their trucks in a more easy fashion in the Industrial Park. Much more is planned at the Industrial Park with improvements planned for 2013.