In light of the winter storm warnings that have been issued for this area, the Pulaski and Starke County Emergency Management Agencies are advising persons to be prepared for hazardous winter weather. All emergency information will be announced on this station.
In the meantime, homeowners are advised to reinforce their roofs and even get a new aluminum gutter installation to help prevent water damage in their properties. Every home should also have a disaster supply kit consisting of a battery-operated radio, flashlight, matches, extra batteries and an extra set of house and car keys. Have an ample supply of wood for the fireplace and plenty of nonperishable foods that can be eaten without heating. Other items to consider including in the kit are extra prescription medication and items for babies or family members with special needs. Consider storing an ample supply of necessary items to sustain every member in the home for at least three days, in case you’re snowed or iced in and cannot leave the home.
Before leaving home:
Find out about the driving conditions and pay attention to weather reports on the radio. Do not call city, county or state police dispatch center to ask what the road and weather conditions are. They need to keep lines open for emergency calls. Let someone know your destination, route and expected time of arrival.
Starke County EMA Director, Ted Bombaghetti told WKVI that in case of an emergency, call his office at (574) 772-9182. He has been in touch with all of the highway superintendents and Homeland Security.