The General Assembly has passed a proposal to allow any Indiana county to use centralized vote centers instead of neighborhood polling precincts. We asked Starke County Clerk, Evelyn Skronski, what comes next.
“Now it is up to each County Election Board to resolute that we do indeed go ahead and establish these voting centers,” replied Skronski. “The Commissioners and the County Council would have to approve this. Throughout Starke County I think about five voting centers would be in the numbers for us to handle that many and to make it convenient for the voters. The biggest issue here is the reduction of the cost of the elections.”
Evelyn said that it won’t be until 2012 until a decision is made. We asked her, how probable is it that a voting center resolution be approved for Starke County?
“I don’t see anything happening with that until then, but right now we’re in the process of eliminating voting locations throughout the County as we’ve done with the City Election coming up. We moved four precincts to the Community Center. Most of the cost will be reduced by the number of poll workers.”