Pastor Tim Miller Visits with Ted Hayes on ‘Ted Hayes Remembers’ Today

Pastor Tim Miller


Pastor Tim Miller is going to be the guest today on “Ted Hayes Remembers”. Pastor Miller will be leaving Our Redeemer Lutheran Church after a quarter century in the pulpit.

Our Redeemer was known at one time for the number of Junior and Senior High School students. But in recent years there’s been a drop in those numbers.

“One thing I found that really interrupts their spiritual life is the Driver’s License,” said Pastor Miller. “Once they get a Driver’s License, all of a sudden they need a job to pay for the insurance. And then all of a sudden, their job is on Sunday. It’s right at that time that they often say, in such a simple way, ‘I’ll come to the Saturday night service or some other service.’ Then they get into a habit of skipping.”

Ted will talk with Pastor Miller today on “Ted Hayes Remembers” at 12:20 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. CT.