Pulaski County Sheriff Michael Gayer told WKVI that the Pulaski County Sheriff’s Department has had many calls concerning missing people; specifically those with Alzheimers, Dementia and Autism. The Sheriff would like to start a registry and have individual profiles on file at the Sheriff’s Department so if your loved one is missing, he/she can be located easily.
Those who have family members who are prone to wandering from home and who may cause danger to themselves are urged to take a recent photo of the family member; take a photograph of any accessible vehicles; submit information concerning height, weight, hair color, eye color, age and any distinguishing characteristics; and a list of possible locations where the person may wander.
Sheriff Gayer assured us that this information will be kept confidential and only used in the event your loved one is missing. For more information, call the Sheriff’s Department at (574) 946-6655.