Washington Township Fire Department was the site of an Instructor 1 training session that was open to Starke County Firefighters as well as firefighters in District 2 on Sunday. Washington Township was approved as the site for the course by Chief John Grolich of Plymouth who is the District 2 training coordinator. Those taking the class included firefighters from Starke County, Bremen, Argos and Etna Green.
This is a class that enables instruction at the entry level in the Fire Service, but this class also included the primary and most extensive class known as Firefighter I/II.
This class is not offered on a frequent basis, and is required to be taught by an instructor of the highest level, Instructor II/III. At this session, Dave Pearman from the Washington Township Fire Department and Rick Minker from the Hamlet Fire Department taught the class and offered the test. The test results have been sent to the State and the results will not be known for at least two weeks.