Giving back to the community is being taught early in the Culver school system. For the third year in a row, all 6th graders at Culver participate in what has been titled, “Soup for the Soul.” Last year, $3,500 was raised for community charities, and this year’s event raised $3,000 with more coming in daily.
Missy Trent began the promotion that is kicked off each year with a Soup for the Soul dinner. The soup bowls, that are designed by the students, are then auctioned off. Donations are also accepted following the dinner.
Last year, the proceeds were distributed evenly to both the Marshall and Starke County Humane Societies, the food pantries in both counties, and the Make-A-Wish Foundation. The first year’s donation was given to the Hemminger House, a Marshall County spousal abuse center.
The students wore specially designed t-shirts emblazoned with “Souper Kids doing Super Things.”