The North Judson Town Board approved the final reading on an ordinance that establishes the requirements for responsible and responsive bidders that bid on a town project. The Board is required to accept the lowest bid received. Under this ordinance, if the Town Board members receive a low bid on a project and the lowest bidder is found to not be the best company for the job and it can be documented, the Town would have the right to accept the next lowest bid.
The Board learned that several pumps in lift stations are burning up due to the extra work processing water at the Wastewater Plant. The rain water that is coming through puts the system over the capacity limit and forces extra wear and tear on the equipment. The upcoming State Road 39 sewer separation project should alleviate some of the problem at the plant.
The bid deadline for the sewer separation project has been extended to June 9th. Bids must be received by the North Judson Clerk-Treasurer by 2:00 p.m. CT that day. The Board will open the bids at 3:00 p.m. CT on June 9th.