The Starke County Election Board met yesterday in its first meeting since the Spring Primary Election where the Board members discussed the election.
Board President, Pat Mitchell, was asked if he thought the first election with the consolidation of the four Center Township precincts was a success.
“The Primary Election, I thought, went quite smoothly which we were anticipating,” said Mitchell “Any election you have with minimal events is good. It is a learning experience. We did understand after the day that there could be some tweaking to make it a little better, but in general I would say it went quite smoothly.”
Mitchell was asked if he thought the things taken from the first consolidation indicated that more might occur in the future of the County.
“Yes, I think you’ll see a trend across the state and also in our county to consolidate precincts into a more narrow margin of polling places in the future.”
As far as the four Center Township precincts go, it was decided to open up the room with eight machines handling all of the voters in a central location instead of cutting the room off with precincts one and two in one room and three and four in the other.
One incident the Board was made aware of was that a voter, who was on the poll books and voted, used a Florida ID card.
A breakdown on the savings from voting in separate precincts will be made soon in a news release.